Welcome to our website
Here, in the middle of a growing lake country, you will find our diving club Dino e. V.
Since 1964 we have been diving together in the Senftenberger Baggersee. We also like to make trips to other waters together. But at home it is still the most beautiful and so you can find someone of us every weekend from May to October on our diving base located directly at the water. Here you can explore our beautiful underwater world together with other diving friends and relax between the dives. Our grounds or the adjoining beach invite you to do so.

We offer rental equipment with everything you may need. From the ABC-stuff to the bottle, everything is there. Fish haven’t lost their way to us yet, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t anything to see. Whether a large platform with three floors or a small wreck, there is so much to discover here.
We are only drawn into the water in the Winter season when there is a layer of ice on the lake, or when Santa Claus calls. We meet for swimming training once a week in Senftenberg or Lübbenau to practice.
Feel free go to our website or even drop by if you would like to learn more about our club or the lake.
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